It’s a Dog’s World and We’re Just Living in It

Before she enrolled in classes, Pennsylvania Gamma Calla Pritulsky took a campus tour of Dickinson College. It was during the tour that something caught her attention: an organization called Dog House. Dog House is a group of Dickinson College students who train service dogs on campus. Calla has always been very involved in community service and loves dogs, so this student group seemed like the perfect fit for her.

Dog House is a Community Service Initiative recognized by the Dickinson College Student Senate with a mission: “We raise service puppies for children with social/emotional disabilities or serious medical conditions.” In partnership with Susquehanna Service Dogs in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, the Dog House supports one or two dogs at a time. The dogs live in a designated off-campus house, where six club members also live, and stay on campus until they are placed with a partner. When Calla saw the house the first time, she was so excited and ready to get involved right away. “It’s a great club and great organization – and it’s so unique!” she said.

The club is so welcoming to newcomers that Calla felt immediately a part of the group. There are between 75-100 members of the club that participate in handler shifts. Calla usually has one shift per week in which she brings the dog to class. During each shift, she is responsible for socializing and properly training the puppy.

Calla loves the sense of community at Dickinson College – the people are warm and welcoming. The school has provided her with so many opportunities to be involved and is so much greater than she could have imagined.