A Second Chance

Choosing where to go to college is not an easy decision for anyone. This was the case for Ohio Theta Bethany Steffancin. She applied to a lot of colleges, but she chose Bowling Green State University (BGSU) based on its location to home (only two and half-hours away), its great business college and its variety of involvement opportunities.

But when Bethany came to BGSU, she spent the majority of her time focused on things outside of BGSU. She often visited friends on other campuses envying their schools. This attitude made her not like her own school and caused her not to get involved enough. Luckily, Bethany made a few adjustments the summer after her freshman year and decided to give her school another try.

Since then, Bethany has volunteered with the American Red Cross Blood Drives on campus, has spent time with the Wood County Humane Society and is in consideration for the University’s student government. “Once I put myself out there, it definitely opened more doors for me,” says Bethany.

Bethany was drawn to Fraternity and Sorority Life, so she participated in primary recruitment as a sophomore and ever since, has become a very involved in Pi Beta Phi. She is a member of the Philanthropy Committee. Ohio Theta puts on events such as Arrow Spike, a campus-wide volleyball tournament and Pie a Pi Phi, where you pie your favorite Pi Phis! Bethany is taking on the role of External Philanthropy Chair in which she will be responsible for reaching out to other fraternity and sorority chapters and student organizations as well as maintaining the social media for Ohio Theta’s philanthropy efforts.

I was happy to hear Bethany say, “The sorority helped me feel more at home and get the experience I was looking for.” I have to say from my own experiences that things have a way of working themselves out if we’re willing to give them a first or even second chance.