Positive Gets Positive

This past summer, Kentucky Gamma Mollie Winters was able to take her passion for teaching and use it while working for the Barnegat New Jersey Recreation Camp. At this day camp, she was able to interact with elementary and middle school children as they participated in camp activities, games and went on field trips.

For Mollie, there was one camper that especially stood out in her memory. The camper was sad because this was her last year at this camp, as she would be moving on to the camp for the next age group next summer. Of course, the camper was overwhelmed with emotion about leaving her friends and moving to be with the older kids. Mollie could relate and used her experience as a college freshman moving from New Jersey to Kentucky to help talk the camper through the experience.

As Mollie’s mom always said, “Positive gets positive” which Mollie took to mean if she thinks positive, her results will be positive too!

Her bright outlook is welcomed in the Kentucky Gamma Chapter. Mollie has shared this outlook while serving as Vice President of Housing last year and now as Vice President of Member Development. Mollie grew a lot this past year and she attributes part of her growth to taking on a leadership role in Pi Phi. As a result, Mollie wants to help her sisters grow, especially in their academic careers.

Mollie wants her sisters to do well and if they are struggling with their grades, she wants to be there to help them. She has provided incentives like raffling off Starbucks gift cards for good grades, giving candy at chapter meeting for those who do not skip class and hosting the chapter’s annual scholarship banquet. Mollie is currently thinking of more incentives to help school be more fun and to bring more sisters together over studying. I look forward to hearing about these ideas soon!