Missing the Comforts of Pi Phi

Nearly every California Alpha I met told me the same thing. “We have the best chef on campus.” And third year member Bronwyn Early confirmed it as well. “I’m really going to miss the Ratatouille when I’m studying abroad next semester,” said Bronwyn. “The food is so good; I even send the menus to my mom each week.”

Bronwyn is also going to miss all of her Pi Phi sisters, especially those who were studying overseas last semester. “I’ll return to the states at the end of March,” said Bronwyn. “Some of my sisters I will not have seen since September. It’s going to be hard to be away from all of them and not have those casual moments with my sisters. I love it when everyone is studying in the kitchen, crafting for big/little week or even just watching a movie together.”

But the amazing meals and wonderful Pi Phi sisters aren’t the only things Bronwyn will miss while studying in Paris. “I was going to apply to be Chapter President for next semester,” said Bronwyn. “Choosing the study abroad program over staying here to be Chapter President was a tough choice, but I think it’s the right thing for me.”