What’s in a Name?
Oklahoma Alpha Julia Tevis Hillis grew up with family members from various Greek-letter organizations, so they would often talk about their experiences. Tevis decided she would participate in[Read more]
Oklahoma Alpha Julia Tevis Hillis grew up with family members from various Greek-letter organizations, so they would often talk about their experiences. Tevis decided she would participate in[Read more]
Louisiana Beta Erin Sweeney Segrest Uffman has three sisters. While in high school, she remembers her two older sisters, Louisiana Betas Peggy Sweeney Macdonald and Shannan Sweeney Rieger,[Read more]
Louisiana Alpha L.T. Niosi Brady graciously hosted my visit with the Charlotte, North Carolina, Alumnae Club in April. As the night concluded and there were only a few[Read more]