The Future of Farming
Mississippi Gamma Jessica Smith looked stunning in her red jacket and turquoise jewelry. She had a gold pin on her left lapel, which represented one of the agriculture-based[Read more]
Mississippi Gamma Jessica Smith looked stunning in her red jacket and turquoise jewelry. She had a gold pin on her left lapel, which represented one of the agriculture-based[Read more]
Feeling accomplished from executing Mississippi Beta’s successful Ring Ching Roadshow event, Vice President of Fraternity Development Taylor Myers and I sat down for lunch at the chapter house.[Read more]
In between student teaching and class, I was able to catch Mississippi Beta Shelby Shelton at a coffee shop on “The Square.” Shelby loves the small town feel[Read more]
The spirit of Pi Beta Phi is strong in Texas Gamma Bailey Fergeson, who joined in fall 2014. She was chosen by her chapter to represent them as[Read more]
“At 9 years old, I told my mom I was going to Texas Tech,’” said Texas Gamma Chelsea Tomchuk. Chelsea was in second grade when she saw her[Read more]
Arizona Gammas Nikkiana Dukellis and Sarah Romano were already roommates in Flagstaff when they both applied to study abroad at The American College of Greece in Athens for[Read more]