Indiana Delta Isha Shelat is in her second year of college. She loves to travel and always knew she wanted to study abroad. When her university gave her the opportunity to study abroad, Isha took the opportunity to study abroad at Purdue University. Yes, you read that right. Isha is from Birmingham, England and a student at Lancaster University. Of the options listed of where to go, Purdue University had the best academic reputation, and Isha is experiencing this firsthand. She packed her bags and came to West Lafayette, Indiana, where she studies politics, philosophy and economics.
Initially worried about getting used to what American college life would be like, Isha admits she had to work a lot harder once she got here. She knew it would be difficult, but no one told her how difficult it would be. “Here I have spent more time in the library in one month than in my entire [previous college] career,” Isha confesses. “I had to up my game. “I have a lot of respect for people who can manage so much.” As the semester went on, she began to get things together. Isha has become more productive and created a new work ethic that she is proud to bring back home with her.
Another thing that intrigued Isha about American college life was the idea of sororities — or at least how they are portrayed in television and movies. She went to the “Meet the Greek” event and was very overwhelmed! With 18 women’s groups on campus she had no idea where to start. Determined to give it a shot, Isha participated in recruitment. It was quite scary and overwhelming — the singing and the chanting — but ultimately, this is what she wanted. As Isha went through the rounds, she saw what these organizations were all about: they were about philanthropy, values and sisterhood.
Isha really liked Pi Phi and was thrilled to get a bid from Indiana Delta. The experience has been completely different than expected. Although her friends and family in London do not fully understand the idea of sororities, Isha believes it has really enhanced her study abroad experience and that she has found sisterhood and sincere friendships in Pi Beta Phi. “These women excel in their studies and are genuinely nice people,” Isha said. “I am so happy I joined.”
As she prepares to go back to England in May, I made sure to tell Isha about the London Alumnae Club of Pi Beta Phi so she can keep connected with the sisterhood. It is safe to say that Isha embraced to college atmosphere: she loves Pi Phi and she is a proud Boilermaker!