A small, private university in the middle of a big city is definitely what drew Texas Beta Chandler Browning to Southern Methodist University (SMU). There are 8,000 undergraduate students, but within the Fraternity and Sorority community, there is a tightknit feeling among the members and an opportunity to find a home.
Chandler is involved in Alpha Kappa Psi Business Fraternity and Student Foundation all while serving as Vice President of Event Planning for the chapter. In her role, she has planned events including Texas Beta’s Centennial Celebration, Mom/Dad’s Weekends and various sisterhood events. She loves that her role provides an opportunity to develop her friendship with other members of the chapter all while having a great time. Chandler is continually wowed by the opportunities she has received from attending SMU.
This summer, Chandler is headed to London with SMU’s Cox Business School for a two months immersion program. The program includes classes for four weeks followed by a four week internship in the area. Chandler learned of the opportunity from older Pi Phis who previously participated in the program. This program serves as a great way for Chandler to fulfill her travel bug as she has set up plans to travel through Europe on the weekends with friends.
Wishing you the best on your next adventure, Chandler!