Oklahoma Beta Daryn Hayes is the first female, on either side of her family, to attend college. When she decided to participate in recruitment at Oklahoma State University (OSU), she was looking for support from someone who previously participated in the process. Through a member of her dad’s church, Daryn was introduced to one special lady. “She said, ‘I wont tell you which sorority I am part of’ because she did not want me to be biased,” said Daryn. “Then she connected me to alumnae of 11 sororities at OSU!”
On Bid Day, Daryn received a call from that special lady who assisted her in collecting letters of recommendation. This special lady is Oklahoma Beta Jarol Beltz LeGate, member of the Tulsa, Oklahoma Alumnae Club. “You’re my sister now!” Jarol said on the other end of the line.
The week after recruitment, Daryn planned to go home to bring her a bouquet of wine carnations, which she had just learned was the flower of Pi Beta Phi. In that same week, a ring Daryn received on her 14th birthday went missing. When she arrived at the house, Jarol handed Daryn a gift: it was an arrow ring holder; Jarol had no idea Daryn lost her ring earlier in the week. But to Daryn, it demonstrated the connections of sisterhood they already shared.
Daryn continues to nurture a close relationship with Jarol. When Jarol’s husband passed away earlier this year, the Oklahoma Beta alumnae and collegians wanted to support her. Items were dropped off at the chapter house and Daryn delivered the things to Jarol’s home. What a sweet story of sisterhood that transcends the years of the Oklahoma Beta Chapter.