The Rules of the Game

For sophomore Lindsey Ellis, attending Stetson University (SU), knowing everyone has given her so many opportunities to push herself out of her comfort zone is amazing. The university has surpassed expectations as the small supportive community in which “everyone wants you to do well.” She is a member of the Honors Program, served as an Orientation Leader, and of course as an active member of Florida Alpha.

Recently, Lindsey took a position as an Intramural Official. Florida Alpha is very competitive in the intramural sports, so Lindsey often participated in sports representing Pi Phi. She got to know various officials well and they saw how knowledgeable she was about a number of sports, so they recommended she apply for the job. Lindsey got the job and serves as an official for every sport on campus including flag football, soccer, hockey, kickball and battleship (similar to the board game) which is her favorite. There are four sports a season, 12 weeks per season, and Lindsey spends three to five nights a week working as a referee.

It is challenging enforcing rules on her peers. Lindsey has had to learn to navigate being a friend of people in the campus community and her role as an official. Occasionally, she is serving as the referee for Pi Phi matches. What she has learned from her experiences is honesty and to be confident in herself. It has also been a reaffirmation of display our Pi Phi values on the court and in her daily life.

Lindsey’s collegiate life is not all fun and games; she has a rigorous academic schedule studying Molecular Biology. This summer, Lindsey will work an internship doing neurological research on gambling and its affect on the brain. With all that she has on her plate, Lindsey relies on her faith and the people around her to support her. Through the experiences she has had so far, Lindsey believes she is a different person, in the best way possible.