Art is Where Work Meets Love

As a middle schooler tagging along with her dad and older sister on visits to colleges, Alabama Beta Frances Perez was not yet considering what she would do in college. Give her a break, she needed to survive middle school and high school first! But the moment Frances walked on the University of Alabama (UA) campus, she was smitten.

“It was really hard not to fall in love with the school,” Frances says, “I looked at my dad and said ‘I am coming here.’” Frances’ sister is Alabama Beta Catherine Perez who decided to attend UA, but they joke in their family that Frances committed to UA even before her older sister did.

Though Frances was secure in her decision to attend UA, she did not know what to study. After a few introductory art history classes, she was smitten again. She became super eager to attend classes, arriving 10 minutes early to get a prime seat in the lecture hall, and became involved in the art society student organization.

Frances is studying to receive a Bachelor of Arts in art history with a minor in artist management. After she finishes school, Frances hopes for an opportunity for an internship program at Southeby’s or Christy’s Auction Houses.

When asked what she enjoys about the field, Frances enthusiastically explains, “It’s like real estate for art!” Frances dreams of working sales in auctions houses all over the world, hopefully as an art advisor for major collectors or major galleries. I think its amazing that a client would ask for her expertise to help grow a collection and make it worth more. Then Frances would travel the world to find art for her clients!